308 research outputs found

    Psychological aspects of the content strategies of the Russian media

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    This article looks at the content strategies of the Russian media and discusses whether they conform to humanitarian values. The content strategies that prevailed in different eras and the social and psychological effects that they engendered are compared. Special attention is paid to conflicts of values and other negative consequences of the communicative incompetence of the media in Russia; this lack of competence poses a threat to the information security of society


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    The structure of gynecologic disease for the reasons of hospitalization, of590 female students is studied. The leading place in students gynecologic disease structure was occupied, the spontaneous and not specified abortions in I—II trimesters of gestation (21,53 %), threats of interruption, of pregnancy till 26 weeks of gestation (20,00 %), artificial abortions (18,14 %) and. complications of abortions (12,03 %). Conclusion: a gynecologic pathology of students is associated, to gender risk behavior and. low level of reproductive and. contraceptive knowledge

    Gene polymorphism associated with risk of development of homocysteine exchange disorders among young healthy women in Transbaikal kray: ethnic and reproductive aspects

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    The frequency characteristics of gene polymorphisms of MTHFR677T, MTHFR1298C, MTRRA66G that determinate folate metabolism and are associated with perinatal or pregnancy complications were studied in 50 Russian and 50 Buryatyoung healthy women of 19-27 years. The frequency of MTHFR677TT mutant genotype was 6 % (10 % among Russian, 2 % among Buryat women). MTHFR1298CC and MTRR66GG mutant genotypes were detected in 9 % and 31 % respectively without any differences between ethnic groups. Multigenic inheritance of MTHFR677TT and MTH-FR 1298CC, MTHFR677CT and MTRR66AG that multiply increase risks of miscarriage and development of defects of nervous tube of fetus were found only in the group of Russian women (2 %)

    Instructions for Laboratory Training in General Microbiology & Immunology for Students of Medical Faculty (English Medium)

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    LABORATORY TRAININGGENERAL MICROBIOLOGYIMMUNOLOGYИНОСТРАННЫЕ СТУДЕНТЫЛАБОРАТОРНЫЕ ЗАНЯТИЯМИКРОБИОЛОГИЯАЛЛЕРГОЛОГИЯ И ИММУНОЛОГИЯInstructions for laboratory training in General Microbiology and Immunology for students of the faculty of General Medicine were compiled according to basic educational plan and program, approved by Ministry of Health Care of Republic of Belarus. The plan, schedule of laboratory training and basic practical skills in general microbiology and immunology are presented in this workbook. The instructions are prepared for medical students of higher educational establishments. Инструкция по проведению лабораторных занятий по общей микробиологии и иммунологии для студентов лечебного факультета составлена по основному учебному плану и программе, утвержденным Министерством здравоохранения Республики Беларусь. План, график лабораторных занятий и основные практические навыки по общей микробиологии и иммунологии представлены в данной рабочей тетради


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    Cytokines levels, lymphocyte subsets and phagocytosis activity of peripheral blood neutrophils were studied in young puerperal women (aged 18—26 years). The level of IL-1a, TNFa, IL-8 was significant decrease, the number of CD4+ lymphocytes and immunoregulatory index (CD4+/CD8+) were increase, neutrophils phagocytosis activity rised in patients with puerperal endometritis

    Genetic aspects of potato resistance to phytophthorosis

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    Phytophthora infestans Mont. de Bary is the main oomycete pathogen of cultivated crops in the family Solanaceae, especially potato (Solanum tuberosum). Because potato is the fourth most cultivated crop worldwide, its annual losses from late blight are tremendous. Studies of the basic mechanisms of interaction between potato and the late blight pathogen not only expand the fundamental knowledge in this area, but also open up new possibilities for regulating these interactions in order to increase resistance to the pathogen. The interaction of potato and the late blight pathogen can be considered from a genetic point of view, and it is interesting to consider both the response of the potato to the colonization process by P. infestans and the change in gene activity in late blight during plant infection. We can also investigate this process by changing the profile of secondary metabolites of the host and the pathogen. In addition to fundamental work in this area, applied work in the form of the development of new preparations for protecting potatoes is of no less importance. This review briefly describes the main stages of studies of potato resistance to late blight, starting almost from the first works. Much attention is paid to key works on changing the profile of secondary metabolites phytoalexins. A separate section is devoted to the description of both qualitative and quantitative characteristics of potato resistance to the late blight pathogen: their contribution to overall resistance, gene mapping, and regulation capabilities. Both types of traits are important for potato breeding: quantitative resistance due to R-genes is quickly overcome by the pathogen, while quantitative trait loci make it possible to create varieties with almost absolute resistance due to the pyramid of effective genes. The latest approaches in molecular biology make it possible to study translatomic profiles, which makes it possible to look at the interaction of potatoes and the late blight pathogen at a different angle. It has been shown that the process of potato colonization affects not only the activity of various genes and the profile of secondary metabolites: proteins­markers of the response to infection from potatoes have also been identified: they are pathogen-bound proteins and plastid carbonic anhydrase. On the part of P. infestans, fungal cellulose synthase proteins and haustorium-specific membrane protein were markers of infection. Thus, the review contains information on the most relevant complex studies of the genetic mechanisms of potato resistance to late blight

    Modern approach to primary cervical cancer screening (literature review)

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    The problem of morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer is one of the leading in the world medical practice. Many countries began to reconsider the approach to primary screening for cervical cancer after etiological role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical carcinogenesis was determined. Most studies have shown that the identification of HPV DNA has a high prognostic value and can be used both as a co-testing and a primary test. However, the unwillingness of many women to visit a gynecologist due to subjective reasons makes it difficult to implement programs on prevention of cervical cancer. Women associate their unwillingness with the lack of time, discomfort and sickliness, a feeling of shame and confusion, when performing a vaginal examination. To solve this problem, in recent years, self-sampling systems for HPV-testing were devised. Self-sampling systems for HPV-testing are comparable with taking cervical sampler by a doctor; they increase the participation of women in cervical screening. Countries have a reduction in morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer due to the inclusion of the HPV-test in national screening programs. At present, many countries consider the introduction of self-sampling devices for vaginal content for HPV-testing in cervical screening. HPV-self-sampling has the potential to improve participation in screening programs, to reduce socioeconomic barriers to care and to improve the subjective patient experience

    GTP-dependent structural rearrangement of the eRF1:eRF3 complex and eRF3 sequence motifs essential for PABP binding

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    Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by the concerted action of eRF1 and eRF3 factors. eRF1 recognizes the stop codon in the A site of the ribosome and promotes nascent peptide chain release, and the GTPase eRF3 facilitates this peptide release via its interaction with eRF1. In addition to its role in termination, eRF3 is involved in normal and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay through its association with cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) via PAM2-1 and PAM2-2 motifs in the N-terminal domain of eRF3. We have studied complex formation between full-length eRF3 and its ligands (GDP, GTP, eRF1 and PABP) using isothermal titration calorimetry, demonstrating formation of the eRF1:eRF3:PABP:GTP complex. Analysis of the temperature dependence of eRF3 interactions with G nucleotides reveals major structural rearrangements accompanying formation of the eRF1:eRF3:GTP complex. This is in contrast to eRF1:eRF3:GDP complex formation, where no such rearrangements were detected. Thus, our results agree with the established active role of GTP in promoting translation termination. Through point mutagenesis of PAM2-1 and PAM2-2 motifs in eRF3, we demonstrate that PAM2-2, but not PAM2-1 is indispensible for eRF3:PABP complex formation